Schmauss Award

Recently, at the European Aerosol Conference, I was honored to receive the August Schmauss award for “Contributions to atmospheric aerosol chemistry and its impact on health and climate”. This award is given by the Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF, Eng. Society for Aerosol Research) , who promote aerosol science and research.  I’m very grateful to those… More Schmauss Award

Pastures New

I have recently moved from Colorado to Finland to join the Finnish Meteorological Institute as Tenure Track Research Professor of Aerosol and Cloud Processes and the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research at the University of Helsinki as a University Researcher. I am excited about the independence and opportunity to lead that this position… More Pastures New

Investigating a hemispheric imbalance in stratospheric aerosols

In 2020 I was looking through some of the aerosol data I collected on the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) ( and noticed something weird.  In a layer of the atmosphere called the lowermost stratosphere, we always saw a lot more small particles in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. I hadn’t been looking… More Investigating a hemispheric imbalance in stratospheric aerosols

Measuring aerosols from weather balloons

My neighboring group in the NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory makes aerosol measurements from weather balloons, alongside other research projects. Every few weeks they send instrumentation measuring aerosol size distributions up to the stratosphere on a weather balloon, alongside instruments measuring things like ozone and water vapor run by scientists in the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory.… More Measuring aerosols from weather balloons

Change of Plans

This is just a short post to say that field work we were preparing for is now postponed for 12 months due to COVID-19. Almost all work at our labs has been moved to mandatory work-from-home for as long as necessary. I, like most of my colleagues, work on a mix of lab work, field… More Change of Plans